Woven Beige Rug



The eye-catching woven beige indoor/outdoor custom rug is made of polypropylene and is a rug for all seasons and all spaces! Unlike natural fiber rugs, this rug is soft to the touch and can stand up to the everyday wear and tear of high foot traffic and is easy to keep clean in rooms with frequently wet floors. This rug works great in dining rooms, bedrooms, living rooms, as well as covered patios.

Style: Woven

Fiber: 100% Polypropylene

Construction: Flatweave Machine-Made

Customization: If you need a custom size rug, please email contact@shopoystercreekstudios.com for a custom quote. Please allow up to 5 business days for a custom quote.

Lead Times + Shipping

OCC rugs are packaged, shipped, and delivered directly to our customers for a flat rate fee of $100. Our collection rugs are all made to order. Production lead times for rugs is 4 - 6 weeks.

Delivery lead times will vary across state to state. Rugs will be delivered by a third-party delivery company. The delivery time frame will be provided to the customer by OCC once the delivery route is established for your particular delivery zip code.

Delivery Policy

OCC rugs are delivered to a residential address or receiver warehouse. OCC DELIVERY DRIVERS WILL NOT DELIVER A RUG BEYOND THE THRESHOLD OF THE FRONT DOOR, AS THIS IS AGAINST OUR OCC RUG DELIVERY POLICY. You do not have to be present for your rug delivery, as signature is not required.

OCC strives to provide a seamless and efficient rug delivery experience for our customers. While we are committed to delivering your orders on time, please understand that there are certain external factors beyond our control that may cause delays. We acknowledge that unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, transportation strikes or delays, and other unexpected events can impact the timely delivery of your rug. OCC will update the customer of any extraneous delays to their shipment status.

Once your rug is delivered, either to a residential address or receiver warehouse, OCC is not responsible for any damage, theft, loss, or mishandling that may occur. If the rug is delivered to a receiver warehouse, the rug must be inspected immediately. PLEASE TAKE GREAT CARE WHEN OPENING THE PACKAGE OF YOUR RUG WITH BOX CUTTERS OR SCISSORS SO AS NOT TO DAMAGE THE RUG.